Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Lazy Saturday

Today we have just been laying around doing nothing. I am feeling a little bit useless. I have not been taking any pictures at all latley. I guess I have been putting my time into trying to get pregnant. I will be super busy while soccer season is going on. Having all three kids in it I will be at the soccer fields all the time so any pictures I will be taking will be at the fields. I don't think anyone reads my blog but if you do look forward to the things coming up. I need to be doing my photography classes and learning about the software I spent around a hundred dollars on and have never used. I have been puttign most of my entergy into having a baby. Plus now that school is going on I am doing all the school stuff. I want to get really involved in my kids school. My work has been hetic latley to. I am on day 3 of the Clomid and the worst side effects are the headaches and the ovary pain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, people do read your blog and wish you all the best; whether on the job, or with your pregnancy efforts. Don't try too hard. You seem to have worked yourself up so much over the past few months. You need a break. And keep taking pictures, you are very, very good at it. Should be your job.

11:00 AM  

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