Monday, July 31, 2006

Not a productive weekend...

Well I did not get any pics this weekend. I was busy, but I feel like I got nothing done. I went today for my progesterone screening. They will let me know the results tomorrow. Hopefully it will be good. I think it will because my face is broke out and my boobs are sore. I read that progesterone causes that. I guess I will have to wait and see.

Friday, July 28, 2006

I am happy to report.....

My biopsy came back negative for cancer!! I was so worried about that!! Now I feel like a big burden has been lifted!! We are on our 2nd month of trying to conceive. I am on CD-18 3-DPO. Hopefully we caught the egg this time!! I have not been myself for a few days so I have not really had anything to post. I will try to get creative this weekend!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Some times things amaze me!

Have you ever wondered how in the world some people make it in this world? How when they are as dumb as dirt and seem to know nothing but how do degrade and talk crap to people. What is wrong with this world when someone like that is rich and is the dumbest person that you know. The only reason this person is rich is because it was handed to him. People like that make me sick. They think that they are better than you and that they know everything. They also think that everyone wants to be like them. OMG there is no way in this world I would want to be like that person. I would rather be poor with common sense and in love than be lonley and rich!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Art On My Back

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Tattoo # 8

It was done by Jeremy @ Twizid Images in Richland. He did an awesome job! I love it!

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Little Down..

Well I went to the doctor today and they did a biopsy on my cervix. She said their was a large spot and that is what she did a biopsy on. When she cut the piece I almost jumped off of the table. OMG that hurt so bad. They are sending it off to see if it is cancerous. I am a little worried about this. I guess I should not be, but I just can not help it. What am I going to do if it is cancer. They will have to remove it and then the surgery was for nothing. I will not have a chance to have another child!! This stress is so not doing me any good. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it so I write all of my feelings on here. If anyone reads this please put me in your prayers!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Marsha...

Marsha did not like the idea of having her picture taken. We were going to go to the rez to do some more pics with her in them, but it started raining. I like these pics of her. They catch her in her normal surroundings!!

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She's The Man - Movie Review

This was a really good movie!! I laughed all the way through it!! Amanda Bynes is an awesome actor. This is a great movie for anyone to see!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Colorful Personality

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Today has been a stressful day for me. The morning started out bad when I dropped the kids off at daycare. One of the ladies at the daycare accused Christopher of stealing something. Well Christopher said he did not do it. I personally do not think that the lady likes Christopher. When I told her that he said he did not have the item she looked at me like I was stupid and made a little noise like yeah right. I called the daycare that the boys are going to be going to after school this year and they are going to start this Monday there. I have been putting up with the daycare they are going to now for to long. I was just trying to last it out until summer was over. I just can’t stand by and let some ***** treat my children like that. There have been a few other things said or done in the past few weeks that have upset me also. My mom went by the new daycare and said the place was really nice and all of the age groups are separated. Things happen for a reason and I think it is best for all of my kids that they never go back to the daycare they are going to now. I know that I do not need to be stressed since I am waiting to ovulate. Things have just been getting under my skin lately. I am aggravated with so many things. Who ever is reading this please put my family in your prayers!! We truly need it. I have stopped stressing about getting pregnant though. I have put it in God’s hand and in time I will be pregnant. I go Thursday for a test and hopefully it turns out ok. I will not say what it is for, but put that in your prayers also. It helps me a lot to put my thoughts here. I did get to go to the tanning bed today. That was so relaxing!! Of course if I do get pregnant I will not be able to go any more. I am ok with that!!
Ta Ta for now! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 16, 2006

OMG, I think I did it!!

I finally did my own silhouette pictures. Let me know what you guys think.

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Christopher took these....

I think he did really good!! I want all of my kids to love taking pictures as much as I do. So far they are pretty good at it.

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Watching the sunset at the Rez...

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Daniel got in the little pool with the boys...

and the boys loved it. They kept trying to drown their dad, lol. I could not believe that he actually got in!!

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

We also took the kids to see....

Aaron has been wanting to see this movie so bad. He loved the first one and still watches it from time to time. So we went to see it today and it was really good. Aaron was quiet through the whole movie. If you know Aaron you know that is a miracle!!
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Happy Birthday Aaron

Aaron had lots of fun today! The people next door had a water slide and a space jump so he got to play in that. He loves the water, he is like a fish. We decided not to have parties this year , but we will next year so everyone get ready! Aaron also informed me that now that he is 6 that means he is a big boy and he gave me a list of shows big boys do not watch. He said he could not watch Blue's Clues or Dora the Explorer and a few more. I thought it was so cute.

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Aaron's Birthday Photo Shoot....

Aaron's 6th Birthday is Sat. My baby is growing up so fast!These are a few pictures I took of Aaron to remember him at this age. I think they turned out really good!! Leave a comment & let me know what you think!!

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fertility Tiki

This is a Fertility Tiki. Maybe it will bring me some good luck!! Maybe not but isn't it cute!!