Well Aaron got his speaking part for a program at school on May 11th. I cant wait to see how he will do. This will be his first program. I am waiting on the results of my blood work I had done on April 17th. I called and they are supposse to call me back. I have gotten some negative comments about wanting another baby. Which kind of hurts my feelings but it does not really matter what other people think. We have already paid for the surgery and there is no way I am backing out now. I have waited to long for this dream to come true. Marsha went on a field trip to Vicksburg Military Park today and it is suppose to rain. I hope she has a good time and they all have a safe trip there and back to the school. My mom had a cat scan done 4/21 and she got the results yesterday. They told her that she has had two mini strokes. One she knew about and it happened when my daddy was still alive. The other she did not know had happened. I am so worried about her. I can not loose my mother. I love her so much and she has been there for me no matter what. Hopefully everything will be fine!
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