Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Monday, October 30, 2006

Prayer Request

I want to ask everyone to please pray for my mom. She goes in on Tuesday for a heart cath. She has a blocked artery and they also said that the front part of her heart is not working right. I am very worried about her. I know that she is strong and that God will see her through this.

Bad Monday

Well to start off I am not pregnant but I am not giving up yet. I am not doing any charting, temping or meds this month. All I will be doing is the monitor. I was not as upset this time as much as I have been in the previous months so I guess I am getting use to the disappointment.

This picture is what we saw coming out of the bottom of the Suburban when Daniel got to my work to get me this afternoon.

He looks so cute under the hood.

Well the T-fitting that keeps on the heater hose busted and we were stuck.

Thank God for my mother!! I called her and she went and got the kids from daycare and of course the boys fought in the car all the way to my work. When she got there the kids stayed with me and her and Daniel went and got a part to use for the moment for the truck. Well it was not the right part but it worked till we got to another place and got the right part. We got to my moms house and Daniel decided to go ahead and put the part on and somehow andother fitting thing busted. Well he called Chad and Chad told him that he could re-route the hoses and it would be drivable. Well the catch is that the truck does not have any heat while the hoses are re-routed. So I hope it is not to cold in the morning.


Church on Sunday

Daniel and I and the kids all went to church on Sunday!! I am so glad that Daniel kept his promise and went. He even said he enjoyed it. I can not tell you how happy it makes me to have him sitting beside me. The kids were actually good while they were in there before Sunday school!!

Will's 1st Halloween

How cute is he in his little costume.


Kids Halloween Party

I think that the party went pretty good.Even though some of the people that were invited did not show up. The kids all seemed to have lots of fun. I really thought it was so funny to see the looks on peoples faces when they saw the jello brain on the table. Also, April if you read this THANKS so much for all of your help!!!!!


Monday, October 23, 2006

Photos from Sunday

Christopher actually wanted me to take his picture. He was upset when he found out I took Marsha and Aaron's and did not take his.

This is my favorite!!

Marsha is a little ham and of course had to get in on the action.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Playing with Ideas I got from Brenda A.

I think these turned out really good. It is really hard to get a boy to wear angel wings, lol.

His pouty lips

Marsha loved being the center of attention. She looks so sweet.

Here she is being her silly self.
Christopher is not in any of these because he went to sleep early so I will see what I can come up with for him.

Aaron's Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

This is the first field trip that I have went on with Aaron. He had a really good time. They went to the AG Museum to pick pumpkins.

They got snacks

They got to pet some animals

The field was actually to wet to pick pumpkins. This is Aaron, his teacher and the little boy I had to keep up with. He was really good though. This guy told them where pumpkins came from.
The whole class

Focused on my baby
He had a hard time choosing his pumpkin

All of the kids seemed amazed by the out house, lol!

Aaron was hot and ready to go.

After they ate lunch they loaded up and went back to the school.
